Get Your Video Conference Glow Up


When you look your best during video conference calls, no one will ever suspect you’re wearing your pajama bottoms. Here are some easy ways to look fresh for the screen.

  1. Check your settings. Some apps (like Zoom) offer a “touch up” feature that will instantly smooth out your appearance.

  2. Watch your lighting: Overheads can give you dark shadows on your face, so you want something that shines directly onto your face and makes you look bright and fresh.

  3. Position your camera straight in front of you or slightly above you—not below. Go for eye level.

  4. Touch up your features. If you’re willing to make the effort, a simple swipe of mascara and lip color can make it easier for friends to see your features and make you look even better.

  5. Keep it business up top. A great shirt will make you look polished, even if they’re paired with your comfy pjs down below.

Brittany Miller