Build Your QuaraTEAM

Gather your friends—virtually—for some fun.


As the days in our national quarantine continue, we’re looking for ways to stay content and productive while connecting with the people we love. One solution? We’re building our QuaranTEAM! It’s simple: Gather your circle of friends and have each one pick a skill they can teach to the group over video chat. They don’t need to be experts, just willing to share their hobbies. Set up video conference calls once a week and get ready to learn from those you love! Here are a few QuaranTEAM MVPs we’re drafting, and the supplies we’re readying for their lessons. You’ll find most already in your home or available for a low price at Gabe’s.

The Baker

She’s shown up to every party with some irresistible, incredible creation that you’ve marveled at (and promptly gobbled up). Get a sweet tutorial from your friend and get ready to bake something amazing. Possible supplies:  Baking utensils, aprons, dishes


Baking utensils starting at $1

The Public Speaker

Where you’re nervous in front of any groups larger than 4, she’s the friend who seems at ease in front of any-sized crowd. Get her tips for making speeches, giving toasts, and even speaking on those work video calls without fear. 


The Crafty One

You’ve long marveled at her ability to make something out of (nearly) nothing—whether she’s knitting, sewing, or building a bookcase. Your crafty friend is your resource for the calming, productive, and meditative activities that you need during this time at home. Possible supplies: Scissors, glue, ribbon, markers, thread.


Craft supplies starting at $1.99

The Fitness Buff

You know the saying—move a muscle, change a thought. Maybe that’s why your fitness-minded friend always seems to be upbeat, no matter how lonely quarantine can be. Tap into her know-how with a lesson on short workouts you can do right at home to treat your body and ease your mind. Possible supplies: Yoga mat, weights, resistance bands.


Resistance bands starting at $3.99

The Sometimes Stylist

If everyone in your house seems a little shaggy these days, you may want to enlist the help of a friend who has some amateur-styling skills. Get her advice for trimming hair without any major mishaps.  Possible supplies: Towel, hairclips, comb, scissors, courage.


Hair accessories starting at $.99

The Animal Expert

She’s always had the best pets and she just understands what they need, so let your friend walk you through some ideas for keeping your pets happy during quarantine. Maybe she can even teach you both a few new tricks!. Want extra advice? Check out our blog here.

Brittany Miller