5 Minute Fix Me Up

Quick and easy ways to boost your mood during quarantine.

Feeling bogged down by the quarantine? It’s not just understandable, it’s common. As our time in isolation goes on, we may experience dips in our mood that we can’t shake off. So, we discovered a few easy, in-the-moment ways to get out of the rut—all in under five minutes.

Connect With a Friend

The best part of this suggestion? It doesn’t just make you feel good, we guarantee your friend will love it, too. A quick check in can connect you with another person and help you both feel less alone. Want to go the extra mile? Write a short note to someone who you think could use a boost and imagine how good they’ll feel when they get it in the mail. Not sure where to begin? We created a notecard for you!


Put On Some Makeup

Yes, you haven’t seen your makeup bag in weeks and you’re not going anywhere, but did you know that putting on makeup can actually benefit your mood? There is meaning in makeup—after all, who doesn’t feel more powerful when they swipe on a bold red lip? Find beauty in feeling good, just for you.


Beauty starting at $1

Sip a Cup of Tea

There’s something to the ceremony of brewing your tea that is, in itself, innately relaxing: boiling the water, dropping the bag, inhaling the fragrant notes. Then, you get to sit and enjoy the effort. We love classic black varieties like Irish breakfast or Earl Grey, or for added relaxation try an herbal flavor like chamomile or peppermint.


Mugs starting at $3.99

Stretch It Out

It sounds simple but getting up from your chair and stretching for a few minutes can give your body and mind the break they need. Get your blood flowing with some simple yoga poses and listen to your breath to help ground you in gratitude.


Yoga mats starting at $9.99

Put On Your Favorite Song

You know the song that brings you back, or gets you excited, or that you kill with at karaoke? Put it on, play it loud, and give yourself total freedom to dance, laugh, remember, and sing as loud as you want. Music can improve your mood and choosing a song that you love will definitely make you happy—no matter what your neighbors think.


Headphones starting at $4.99

Look Outside

There’s a lot happening in our world right now, and it may be hard to think about it without getting overwhelmed. Instead, focus on the beauty of what’s right outside your door: Find a perch near a window or better yet your stoop or patio. Look around and notice the trees starting to bloom, the fragrant flowers, and the birds chirping outside. Remember: This won’t go on forever. There is plenty of beauty ahead.


Brittany Miller