Activities for Everyone

Ideas for having fun, letting off steam, and taking breaks together during quarantine and social distancing.


A few weeks into quarantine, and we are still trying the hang of this new normal. We’ve discovered that finding time to unwind and connect between work, virtual learning, childcare, and more can be challenging. We may be together more than ever, but really engaging each other isn’t as easy at you’d think. We’ve come up with some activities that you can do in the comfort of your own home or yard that will get the entire family up, moving, and having fun. Because we know cost is a concern right now, you can do any of these activities with items found around the house or for a low cost at Gabe’s. Have ideas of your own? Share them with us by posting pics and tagging #GabesFinds.

Obstacle Course: Kids vs. Parents

All you need is some space in your home or backyard and a healthy dose of imagination. Using items found around the house—cushions, jump ropes, balls, plastic cups—you can create a course that will fire up that competitive family spirit. Cups lined up to weave through a path, balls that need to hit a target, balloons to pop, even pillows to leap over if you’re so inclined! See which team can make it through the fastest! Need some more ideas?

We have a few starters here.


Jump ropes starting at $1

Dance Routine

Surely by now you’ve seen the videos of coordinated families doing trendy dances on social media. Give that trend a twist with your own dance, made up entirely by moves your family has created. Choose your song, moves, and outfits, and then record the results and share it with friends and family. Challenge them to a dance off! Possible supplies: Cool sunglasses, matching outfits, a sense of team spirit!

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T-shirts starting at $3.99

Spot It Scavenger Hunt

Make your daily walks a little more interesting—and competitive—with a scavenger hunt! See who can spot the most birds first, find the biggest twigs, count the most red cars, or see the most colorful flower bed.  You may be surprised by what you see in your neighborhood that you’ve never noticed before. Or, check in on local community social pages to see if anyone in your area has started “rainbow spotting.” If not, start it yourself! This social distancing trend involves posting a rainbow in your window or where others can see it as they pass by, and then looking for other rainbows when you’re out! Possible supplies: Binoculars, rainbow construction paper, markers or crayons.

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Crayons starting at $1

Cooking Challenge!

Ready, set, cook! Stock every family member up with the same ingredients and see how creative they can be with the dishes they create! From simple sandwiches to savory soups, you’ll all win when you taste the results. Do it on your own or break into teams, and don’t forget the final round: Dessert!  Possible supplies: Matching aprons, utensils.


Baking supplies starting at $1

Long (Social) Distance Message

Start a correspondence with neighbors on your street—literally! Bring sidewalk chalk along on your next outing and leave messages on the pavement for anyone who may walk by. Encourage them to write back by leaving a stick of chalk—then see what happens! You never know, your next new friend may just be waiting to read your “hello.” Possible supplies: Sidewalk chalk + a positive message!

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Sidewalk chalk starting at $1

Brittany Miller