How to Create a Quick (and Inexpensive!) Home Office—Fast.

How we’re creating at-home workspace in the face of social distancing and coronavirus.


Spring 2020 is all about staying safe and healthy, and in the days of social distancing and coronavirus prevention that means working from home. Since it was so unexpected for so many of us, we’ve come up with a quick list of essentials to create an organized, workable home office. Because we know budgets are especially tight in the face of this crisis, everything we’ve included here is potentially in your home already or available at low prices at Gabe’s.

Desk Organization

Creating a workable space means setting it up so you can find what you need without even thinking about it. Small items like pencil holders, clip cups and paper trays may feel like charming extras, but they’re actually essentials to keeping you moving seamlessly. Pro tip: Add a small potted plant for a mood booster that may help decrease stress.


Desk organizers starting at $2.99

File Folders and Binders

The current work-from-home situation is temporary, but that doesn’t mean it won’t last at least a few weeks. Set yourself up for success by creating a filing system now: Try file folders in various colors and keep important papers in binders for easy reference. Not sure where to store it all? A file box can often work better than a file drawer, and you can pick it up and take it with you when you’re cleared to go back to the office.


Folders starting at $.99

Corkboards + Magnetic Boards

Your coworker who was only a chair-spin away is now in another county—so keep her phone number handy for the quick questions you’ll surely have. By keeping phone numbers and important websites displayed on a corkboard or magnetic board, you’ll have quick reference information at hand. 


Boards + accessories starting at $4.99

Pens, Pencils, Notebooks

Sure, it seems obvious—but you never seem to realize you don’t have a pen until you need a pen. Stock your organizers with pens and pencils, and get a few fresh notebooks to write down the details of your day—there’s a lot going on, and we’re all adjusting, so taking notes will help keep you mind organized (and less stressed).


Starting at $1.99


Unless you can put “soundproof room” on your list, this might be the most important item to bring to your home office situation. Headphones make it easier to concentrate on those conference calls (of which there will be many) and also help you to put on music and tune out the whirling, buzzing, sometimes chaotic world beyond your desk.


Starting at $4.99


Working by the blue light of our devices is not enough for a long-term home office situation. For the sake of your eyes, your productivity, and your mood, invest in a good, small desk lamp that you can work by. At the end of the day, shut the light off to visually remind yourself that you are off duty.


Starting at $4.99


Smart and effective solutions don’t just help your organization—they also help you keep a clutter-free desk that will help with your productivity. Find a portable place to put any file folders, notebooks, and papers. You can easily take them back to your office when life returns to normal, and in the interim you’ll keep your workspace contained. Don’t have any file boxes? Closet organizers, photo boxes, and even shoe boxes can work in a pinch.


Storage solutions starting at $.79

Other Tips:

Set boundaries on your workday. Set a “start” and “end” time, and do your best to stick to it, shutting down your computer.

·       Take breaks. Even just a small, five-minute break to connect with those around you can help you to feel less overwhelmed.

·       If you have small children, consider activities that they can do at or near your desk to help them feel connected to you, such as coloring, modeling clay, or puzzles.

·       Go easy on yourself. This is a new situation that many people were not prepared for. We are all finding our way.

·       Be understanding of others. Your coworkers are figuring this out, too. Kindness is key.


Brittany Miller