Summer Entertainment

Our tips for enjoying the summer’s best.

There’s so much to love about summer! This season, we’re discovering the best and new ways to enjoy everything new under the sun.

Beach Reads

There’s something about summer that makes us want to settle in with a really great read, and there’s plenty to choose from as new bestsellers make their debuts. All you need is the perfect sandy set up: Pack your beach tote with a towel, sunscreen, and some beach toys to occupy the kids while you settle into a new story. Shopping list: Towel, bathing suit, cover-up, sun hat and beach toys.


Beach towels starting at $2.99

Summer Music

The best dance floor of the season is right in your kitchen! Summer music offers the energy, fun, and beats to get you going. Create a new playlist with all of the latest hits and bring it with you to the beach, backyard, and gym! Shopping list: Speakers, radio, wireless headphones.


Headphones starting at $4.99

Road Trips

Feeling stir crazy? There’s no better time to hit the road and see something new! Pack your gear—including a cooler, blankets, and pillows—and chart your course along a scenic route to your next great adventure. Visit the country’s largest ball of twine in Kansas, or make a b-line to the drive in (there are still many across the country, including in PA, NJ, and OH!)  All you need is a car, a playlist, a few portable games and some snacks!


Portable games starting at $4.99


Forget the crowds at the movie theater and set up your silver screen at home! Enjoy classic summer movies and new blockbusters from the comfort of your own backyard! Set up your patio chairs around an outdoor projector or computer to stream favorites like Jaws, Jurassic Park, ET, Grease, or The Goonies. Have a fire pit? Complete your night with some simple s’mores.

Need: Patio table + chairs, hammock, blankets, pillows, snacks.


Pillows starting at $3.99

Blankets starting at $1.99

Lauren Dugan