Social Distance, Staying Home, and Keeping Busy

Ideas for spending some unexpected (but still productive!) time at home while we practice social distancing to limit the impact of the coronavirus.


Since the onset of the coronavirus worldwide, spring of 2020 has taken a bit of an unexpected turn across the USA (and the world). It’s important that we do our best to adhere to social distancing for the sake of our communities and world, so like us, you may be finding yourself suddenly at home with some time to fill. Here, we’ve listed some of the ways we’re keeping busy (and staying productive) while fighting off the extra anxiety and stress that’s coming our way. Since we understand that conserving money is important right now, we’ve found activities that require little or no investment, with any supplies available (for less!) at Gabe’s.

Working Out

Part of keeping an even keel when you’re thrown off your routine is, well, staying in some sort a routine. Working out can help—plus, it’s a great way to decompress and relieve stress. Consider a short exercise routine when you first wake up. Even if you’re new, there are easy ways to start. You can find yoga and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout videos online, and all you need to begin are some breathable exercise clothes and a yoga mat. Other supplies that can be useful: resistance bands, weights.


Athletic gear starting at $2.99.

Finally, Those Quick Fixes

Remember those “quick fixes” around the house you’ve been meaning to get to but can’t seem to find enough time to handle? Well, welcome to “enough time.” We suggest walking around the house and making notes of what you’d like to accomplish, then prioritizing them so you can create an order that works for you. Whether it’s a stopping leaky faucet or finally organizing your desk, don’t discount the mood boost you’ll get from accomplishing a long-awaited task.

Possible supplies that can help: Tool sets, flashlights, storage and organizers.


Starting at $.79

Enjoy The Dog (and Cat) Days

Cuddles with your pet are instant mood-boosters. Taking time to play, engage, and even just snuggle can help to distract you from the uncertain mood. Want to burn off energy? Walk your dog or break out the laser toy or flashlight for your cat to chase. You’ll both have fun. Don’t have a pet? Ask an elderly neighbor if they need help walking their pooch—you’ll be doing good and feeling good. Possible supplies that can help: Dog leash, pet toys, treats.


Starting at $2.99

Writing It Down

Maybe you’ve been saying you’d write your bestseller for years, but work (and life) kept you too busy. Or, maybe you need a way to process the stress and anxiety you’re feeling from what is going on around you. Writing is a great way to put it all on a page and let it go—and years from now, you’ll have a record of this unprecedented time to reflect on (and share). Possible supplies: Notebook, pen, imagination.

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Starting at $1.99

Solving Puzzles 

Looking for another way to keep your gray-matter stimulated? Pick up a crossword book or a 1,000-piece puzzle. These meditative activities are great for your brain and can help keep you relaxed. Possible supplies: Puzzles, crossword books, sudoku, pencils.

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Starting at $4.99


It is spring, after all, and gardening affords the opportunity to get some fresh air while still staying in your own space. Take some time to plan your garden and then get outside and get dirty: it’s therapeutic to work with your hands, and in a few weeks’ time you’ll see the silver lining from all of this social distancing in form of colorful blooms. 

Possible supplies: Shovels, pruning shears, apron, pots, seeds, garden kneeler and stools.

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Starting at $.99

Binge Watching

Wondering what to watch? We’re getting recos from friends and family that can help us determine a watchlist that’s good for us and the children in our home. It may not feel productive, but consider cuddling on the couch to be good for the heart and soul—and who knows when you’ll get this chance again?

Possible supplies: Cozy clothes and pjs, slippers, and snacks!

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Cozy clothes + gear starting at $4.99

Snacks starting out $1

Lauren Dugan