Halloween-Ready Checklist

Everything you need for a ghoulishly good holiday.


Sure, your costume has been planned for weeks—but what about everything else? This year is unlike any other we’ve seen, so be prepared and bring the fun. Here’s your Halloween Check List.


There’s no trick here—treats are the MVP of this holiday, and you want to make sure you have enough for the little ghouls that come ‘round your door (and maybe a little left over for yourself, just saying.) In 2020, it’s important to make sure candy is individually wrapped instead of loose candy corn or items that go directly into little monsters’ mouths. If you do want to give out unwrapped candy, divide it into zippered sandwich bags instead of allowing small hands to dig through a bowl. Which brings us to our next item…


Sandwich Baggies

The CDC currently recommends minimizing contact with others on Halloween. One way to do that? Put candy into individual baggies that you can leave at a social distance from revelers. Feeling ambitious? Search the internet for images of a “candy schute” and see the creative ways folks are getting candy to trick-or-treaters from a distance.


Sandwich baggies starting at $.99

Face Masks

No, not the Michael Meyers one (tho that works, too!). For safety, costumes in 2020 should include a face mask. If you’re not dressing as a doctor, you can still make it work: Consider decorating a plain disposable mask in a way that’s suitable for whatever you’re wearing.


Gloves + Hand Sanitizer

If you’re passing out treats, even in bags, it’s a good idea to wear disposable gloves during your duties. Remember to swap them out often to keep them as effective as possible. Use hand sanitizer regularly whether you’re giving out treats or receiving them!

Essentials img.jpg

Disposable gloves starting at $.99

Hand sanitizer starting at $.50


The days are getting darker earlier—which is great for ghouls but can be dangerous if you’re wandering an unlit neighborhood in search of candy. Give small flashlights to kids and carry your own to ensure you can see the sidewalks in front of you and alert any cars to your presence.


Flashlights starting at $5.99

Not quite ready yet? Here is some further reading for whatever you need.


Ways to celebrate Halloween 2020 can be found here.

Get pets in the spirit! Read here.

Forget your costume? We’ve got you covered here.

Lauren Dugan